After an autumn day working in the garden, or even a day out foraging for mushrooms in the woods, there is nothing better than a bowl of thick, hot mushroom soup.

Equipment – Any blender

Timing – 1h marinating, 10 min prep


3 C shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced
2 C warm water
1 C parsley
1/2 C olive oil
1/4 C tamari
1 large avocado


Toss the mushrooms in a bowl with the olive oil and tamari and let it stand for about 1 hour, turning it over every now and again.
Blend the avocado and hot water together until smooth for about 15 seconds.
Add the mushrooms, with their marinade, and the parsley into the blender and pulse just once or twice.

Makes about 1.5 litres.

Variations Use portabellini or wild foraged mushrooms as an alternative.

Notes: Foraging for fungus can be great fun, but make sure you know your pine rings from your death caps. We strongly recommend going on a course and getting a good guide book too.

Some people may have a dermatitis reaction to raw or undercooked Shiitake mushroom, if you prefer you can simmer the shiitake in a little water for 20 minutes, then use these and the cook water in the recipe.