A strong and effective way to banish the sniffles. We drink this regularly through winter for its warming & antimicrobial properties.
Equipment – Optional, Juicer (see note)
Timing – 5 to 10 min prep
1 C warm water
1 knob of fresh ginger
1 lemon, with rind if organic
1 T camu camu berry powder
1 T honey
Dash of chilli sauce, slice of fresh chili or pinch of cayenne pepper
1/2 garlic clove
1 small handful of mint leaves
Juice the ginger, lemon and garlic.
Put everything in a mug and add the warm water.
Let it stand to brew for a few minutes.
Makes 1 cup.
Note: If you don’t have a juicer, finely mince or thinly slice the fresh ingredients, add everything together and let it seep for 5 to 10 minutes.