African Forest Medicinals-Wild Artemisia Tincture 50ml

R219.00 Incl. VAT

From African Forest Medicinals, hand crafted tinctures from the garden route.

May offer Viral, Bacterial and Parasitic Protection.



African Forest Medicinals are distributed nationally to shops and health care practitioners by Earthshine. 
Please contact us at or call us on 0861 988898 for wholesale enquiries.
Tinctures are made by extracting beneficial properties from natural materials like plants and fungi. This extraction is done using pure alcohol and water.
Wild Artemisia
The Artemisa family of herbs have long been used as a potent anti-parasite for treating blood and liver parasites such as malaria, as well as intestinal worms.The use of Artemisia is widely known amongst the Black people of South Africa, being a trusted remedy for coughs, colds and flu (often used as a steam inhalant) – and, in 2020, was used as the remedy that the Madagascan government had their army distribute to their citizens to protect them against/cure Covid.
The Artemisia used in this tincture is Artemisia afra, which is indigenous to South Africa. It is a potent variety and the taste is strong!
Other uses
Artemisia has typically been used to break fevers (by inducing sweating), to treat digestion problems, as well as infections of the GI tract and as an emmenagogue to stimulate healthy menstrual bleeding. It can also be used topically on infected wounds and skin infections.Artemisia has a potent anti-tumour effect and can be used to treat cancer and, in particular, malignant ulcers. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal actions too.Protective and Clearing
From experience of using this tincture (and we can only speak from our own experience), it would appear that it fends off any unwanted viral weirdness that might be going around, as well as alleviating any abnormal “shedding” effects one may experience.To sum up – Artemisia to us, on this level, feels both protective and clearing.Directions for use
It is important that Artemisia tincture isn’t taken for longer than 7 consecutive days, at our recommended dose of 3 squirts of tincture, up to 3 times per day. If treating very acute conditions, such as malaria, however, then feel free to increase the dose frequency to every 2-3 hours until symptoms begin to subside. In general, artemisia is a very safe herb to take – although it is best avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy.

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