Earthshine COVID-19 Virus Policy 

19 March 2020.  Version 2 

As a society there is much that we currently do not know about this virus, how it spreads and how serious the dangers really are. Information from the government and internationally is evolving constantly and we will do our best to keep ahead and up to date in our response as an essential business. 

Especially in South Africa with many vulnerable people in our communities, the poor, elderly, those living in conditions of poor sanitation and close proximity, there are serious risks, on a personal level, to our business and society at large.

As a manufacturer of health foods, it is especially important at this time that we can continue to fulfil our function supporting the health of South Africans, but at the same time we have a serious responsibility to ensure health and hygiene is our top priority.

We all need to work together at this time and do our best to get through this testing situation.

Recommendations to staff at home

  • Implement social distancing, essentially avoid busy areas around the home, streets, markets, malls etc. This means keeping about a 2m distance between yourself and others. 
  • Regular hand washing at home, encourage the family too.
  • Staff are strongly advised to walk to work rather than taking taxis, this is high risk. If you do use public transport, ensure windows are open for fresh air.
  • Avoid any unnecessary travel. If traveling long distances please notify management.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption.
  • Eat healthy, fresh fruit (citrus especially) and vegetables. Avoid processed foods and drinks
  • Be aware of symptoms, if you have them, do not come to work, call us immediately. 
  • Encourage your family members to do the same.
  • Earthshine is committed to providing up to date and accurate information and training to all our staff on an ongoing basis.

Staff personal hygiene at work

  • Immediately on entering the premises, all staff to hand wash and sanitise (prior to going up to staff room).
  • Staff changing in mornings and afternoons to be in two groups, women first, then the men.
  • Always carry tissues to catch any coughs or sneezes.
  • Cover the mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, failing this, cough into your shoulder, not hands. Face away from any food preparation and down towards the floor.
  • Bin the tissues and immediately wash your hands afterwards.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • All staff to wash and sanitize hands every half an hour, throughout the day. One staff member to be responsible for running the ozone in preparation for this.
  • All staff are encouraged to have a nutrient rich smoothie and capsulated superfoods as supplied by Earthshine each day, to keep immunity up.

Factory cleanliness

  • The following are in addition to the usual cleaning protocols.
  • Door handles, machine controls, stair handles, door edges, keyboards and mice to be sanitised at the end of each day. Use ozone, sanitiser or wipes for computer equipment.
  • All tables in use are to be wiped down of food debris, then cleaned with surface sanitiser or ozone approximately every hour or more frequently, and certainly before and after any processes on that table. 
  • Ozone to be used for all water cleaning purposes, floors, machines etc. however not necessary for sink washing where hot soapy water is used routinely anyhow.

Factory general

  • Staff requested to work where possible, 2m apart from each other, so one person per table approximately.
  • Work side by side as opposed to opposite each other where possible.
  • To reduce close contact in the staff room, lunch will be split into 2 groups, 12.30pm – 1pm and 1pm – 1.30pm.
  • Please try to keep your own cell phone, pens, cups to yourself where possible, avoid passing around.
  • No visitors allowed into the building unless by prior arrangement or absolutely necessary. Immediate hand washing and sanitising must be carried out by any visitors.
  • Meetings will be conducted online, by phone or off premises.
  • Couriers and delivery people remain outside the premises 2m from doors when collecting or delivering. Please refer to the door signage for details.
  • Internal doors to the kitchen to remain closed when not in use.
  • External factory doors to be kept closed at all times.

Policy will likely change on a daily or weekly basis on internal documentation, as information changes. Please note this post is for general public notification and therefore may not be the latest version.